Local Juice

Local Juice

woensdag 13 november 2013

#6 getting personal

It's been a while since my last post. The truth is i got confused....and insecure. To start with the first; my blog was actually intended as a wall of inspiration for others. Things to do , interesting and new places to go, etc, etc. But by the time I actually would get around to posting something, I found that literally a few thousand blogs had already been there done that! Jeeeeez....my ambition in spotting new cool places just flew right out the door. Not to mention my reputation!

To me it seems like everybody has already done EVERYTHING! It always scares me a little to do my thing.....(and here's where the insecurity thing part comes in), because why would anyone ever listen to me or care about what i have to say... Boohoo... the little girl in me that feels she can never do right is ever existing. Damn...thought i got rid of her a long time ago! So, after thinking about it carefully, weighing all the pro's and con's, sleeping over it for like a month or two, I finally came to the conclusion that my new aim for this blog is to get up close and personal. The great advantage to that is that for me my blog would become more of a journal....and hey, if somebody, anybody (!), can find some inspiration or can identify themselves with whatever i am blogging about, that's just fine. In the end i think what matters to everything that anyone is doing, is to add that bit of personality that makes it unique and worthwhile!

So what to expect: since i am a mother of 3 teens, a lot of that stuff, some big issues in my life...love, kids, motherhood, single parenting, staying mentally sane....you know, the usual:).