Local Juice

Local Juice

maandag 24 juni 2013

#4 Thank God It's Monday!

I love the weekends, don't get me wrong. However, nowadays, i love mondays even more. For most people this seems to be the most horrible day of the week, because work stress and addapting to daily routine comes knocking at their doors again. I can clearly see images of fuzzy, tired heads behind their computers and with large cups of coffea, trying to drink away the Monday blues...

Apart from the fact that my weekends are far from relaxing because i have three kids with sports activities that need catering to the whole weekend (and that romantic lazy sundays in pajama's are rare in my household), the Monday to me is the day with promises of new beginnings. Like getting a chance every week to starting with a new clean slate. New chances, new plans and dreams. The opportunity to 'brush yourself off and try again', to discard of things that happenend in the past week and to welcome the new. Whatever that may be...

Okay okay on a realistic note; i will also admit that after i'm worn out from the weekend (picture this: three kids hitting puberty in a small household and thus taking all the space there is, me partying on Saturday night (i.e. having a hangover the next day), doing groceries for the entire week and running around like crazy with the kids to hockey and soccer matches) i crave for the quiet, peaceful Monday morning by myself with that same large cup of coffea drinking away the weekend blues...:-)

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